Top 8 Best Small Dog Breeds for Seniors 

They are perfect for seniors due to their adaptability to indoor living. 

1. Shih Tzu

1. Shih Tzu

Pomeranians are relatively low-maintenance, requiring only moderate exercise.

2. Pomeranian

2. Pomeranian

The Bichon Frise is a cheerful and affectionate breed that loves to be around people. 

3. Bichon Frise

3. Bichon Frise

They are intelligent and friendly dogs that make excellent companions for seniors. 

4. Miniature Schnauzer

4. Miniature Schnauzer

Cavaliers require moderate exercise and enjoy spending time indoors.

5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

They are known for their distinctive bat-like ears and short coats, which require minimal grooming. 

6. French Bulldog

6. French Bulldog

Pugs have minimal exercise needs and are content with short walks and indoor activities.

7. Pug

7. Pug

They are gentle, and loving, and enjoy being close to their owners. 

8. Maltese

8. Maltese